Cancellation Policy

  1. Please note the booking amount of Rs.10,000/- is refundable only if you decide to not use the Coupon Code which you would have received on paying the booking fee.
  2. If you want a refund, you will need to inform The Lil Flea team via mail within a maximum of 48 hours of receiving the Coupon Code*.
  3. If you have already used the code to book a stall, you will not be eligible for any refunds. Refunds are therefore possible only for unused Coupon Codes.
  4. In case of any refunds, the amount will be directed to your bank account within 30 working days after receiving your bank details.
  5. A standard authorisation check will be carried out on your participation request once we receive your booking request. This is done solely to make sure that you are an approved participant and have been curated by The Lil Flea team. Please note that this booking process is not intended for un-approved applicants. If you are an un-approved applicant and still go ahead with the booking process, your request shall be denied and booking amount can be forfeited
  6. The Lil Flea reserves the right to cancel bookings of any applicant even if these are pre-approved. In the eventuality that The Lil Flea team cancels a booking made by an approved applicant, the booking amount shall be refunded within 10 working days of such a cancellation. The maximum liability of The Lil Flea in such a cancellation shall be limited to the booking amount paid by the participant.
  7. This link has been created only for approved applicants to The Lil Flea. All approved applicants have been individually informed through a mail sent via
  8. In case of any queries please get in touch with us at and WhatsApp on 9930029128